Duncan Selected for Tate Society










Please join
us in congratulating freshman Logan Duncan (Mu 2529), who was recently selected
for membership in the University of Georgia’s Dean William Tate Honor Society. 

Selection to
Tate Society is based upon academic achievement and extracurricular involvement
in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and service.  It is considered the highest honor a freshman
may receive at the University.  Only
twelve men and twelve women are selected each year.

Duncan is
from Monroe, Georgia, where he attended George Walton Academy.  He currently serves as Mu Chapter’s Chaplain
and is a member of the club water polo team. 
He is also active in UGA HEROs.  Previously,
Duncan served as President of his pledge class, and was a member of the Interfraternity
Council’s Freshman Greek Leaders program and the Student Government Association’s
Freshman Forum.

Duncan joins
senior Wells Ellenberg (Mu 2400) and sophomore Sean Gilrain (Mu 2486) in the