Annual Gameball Run

The annual Georgia-Georgia Tech rivalry football game takes place November 26, 2011 in Atlanta, but the brothers of Sigma Nu are once again preparing for the game in the form of philanthropy.

The brothers of Mu Chapter (Georgia) and Gamma Alpha Chapter (Georgia Tech) will take to the streets in the 3rd annual Gameball Run to raise money for the American Heart Association. The brothers of Mu Chapter will run with the football to the Historic Gwinnett Courthouse in Lawrenceville, where they will hand it off to students from Gamma Alpha Chapter to complete the 70 mile journey.

The run will begin at the Sigma Nu house in Athens at 6:00 a.m. Friday, Nov. 25; the day after Thanksgiving. Brothers from each chapter will meet at the courthouse at 11:00 a.m. for an opportunity to briefly greet one another and hand-off the football. Gamma Alpha Chapter will then run the ball from Lawrenceville to Bobby Dodd Stadium in Atlanta.

Each chapter raises money through private donations from small businesses and individuals. The event sets the record for the amount of money raised by the chapter each year, and the brothers of both chapters are poised to once again raise the bar with record level fundraising.

If you have any questions about the event, or would like to make a donation, please contact Philanthropy Chairman John Huffines at